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Bristol, United Kingdom
I am a media student at John Cabot Academy and I am working in a group with Kayla and Kayleigh to create a music video.

Tuesday 6 October 2009

Ideas. Album Cover

Album Cover

2 Shot of Storm and Mike, together.
2 Shot of Storm and Mike, one at front, one behind slightly out of focus looking smaller.
Close up of storm, text 'ft Mike / Genesis.

Studio, black or white backdrop.
All one colour, this will send more focus to the images of the artists.
A picture background, which allows viewers to portray the artists & know more about the album.
Jewellery, Microphone/Headphones
Black, Red, White, Gold
Artist name large across the whole width of cover, with the 'ft mike' just below
The artist name and ft name together at bottom of page.
Bold text, Coloured text, make sure it stands out from the background.

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