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Bristol, United Kingdom
I am a media student at John Cabot Academy and I am working in a group with Kayla and Kayleigh to create a music video.

Tuesday 27 April 2010

Evaluation. Q3.

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms & conventions of real media products?

Album Cover:

- Close up of artist, takes up nearly
whole front cover
- Eye contact with audience
- Bigger name, Little title

We were going to challenge the album cover with a different photo of the artist, it was a faded out colour and she didn’t have eye contact with the audience as she was looking away. We chose not to use this photo as we did not want to challenge those conventions.

We did challenge the conventions of the colour of the album cover, inspired by Beyonce & Lady GaGa we decided to do have a black & white album cover.

Magazine Advertisement:


- We have used a similar image used to the one in Cheryl Cole’s ‘3 words’ advertisement.
- They both have direct eye contact with the audience and have the same body style both showing the top of there arm.
- We think the black and white effect on Cheryl’s worked well so we decided to use it as well.

- The colour we have used on ours makes it more unique and more interesting for a advertisement.
- We have kept our image more simple and her arm is covered up. On cheryl's her image stands out with a big flower hat and her shoulder is on show.

Music Video:

Use: We used conventions by having narrative and performing shots during are video, we also had mixed. We had conventional dancing, jewellery & clothing.

We used the same style of costume throughout the video & used jewellery & dancing to portray the RnB genre.

Challenge: We challenged conventions by having the whole video in black & white.

These are screenshots of music videos that are similar to ours although not in black white. Some of our dance moves that we use are from what we were inspired by in Cassie's music video. Other clips are what we found from Moulin Rouge, Christina Aguleria & Beyonce. We analysed these artists and there videos which inspired us.

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