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Bristol, United Kingdom
I am a media student at John Cabot Academy and I am working in a group with Kayla and Kayleigh to create a music video.

Thursday 9 July 2009

Audience Research

The type of genre that my music fits into is RnB. I am going to need to do audience research to find out what our target audience like and dislike and what they would expect from RnB artists. There are many ways to find this information out such as, Questionnaires, Interviews, Focus Groups etc.

Questionnaires are quick and easy but they will only gove quantative research. However if i choose to do my Audience Research through a Focus Group then i can get qualative research which will give me a better view and understanding of the audiences feedback.

I think the audience that we target are going to be young male/females who are into rap and RnB. If i was to stereotype people, I do not think that the stereotyped groups such as emos, goths or skaters will be into this type of music. However i think the stereotyped groups such as chavs, rappers, indie style will like this type of music. I think that anyone from the ages 15 - 30 would listen to this type of music.

Here are some common stereotypes :

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