About Me

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Bristol, United Kingdom
I am a media student at John Cabot Academy and I am working in a group with Kayla and Kayleigh to create a music video.

Wednesday 1 July 2009

Codes & Conventions

Codes & Conventions Of An Album Cover For An R'n'B Artist:
Shots- Mid Shots, Two Shots, Closeups, High/Low Angle

Colours- Black & White, Golds, Red, Blue

Text- Artist Name, Album Title, Song Titles

Images - Artist, Logo

Props- Headphones, Microphone, Chair, Jewellery

Codes & Conventions Of A Website:
Shots: Closeup, Mid shot, Long Shot, Two Shot

Colours: Black & White, Red, Blue

Text: Hyperlinks, Artists Name, Advertising The Latest Album

Images: Of The Artist, Of The Latest Album

Codes And Conventions Of Advertisement Poster:
Shots: Closeup, Mid Shot, Long Shot, Two Shot

Colours: Black & White, Red, Blue

Text: Artist Name, Album Name, Details About Album

Images: Of Artist, Of The Album

Codes And Conventions of RnB Music Video:

Shots: Close up, Mid Shot, Long Shot, Two Shot, Low Angle - This makes the rapper look scary and in control.

Colours: Colourful, Black and white scene if there singing about love stories or flash backs.

Text: no text.

Editing: Jump And Straight cuts. Mainly jump cuts.

Codes And Conventions of Rap Music Video:

Shots: Close up, Mid shot, Long shot, Two Shot, Low Angle, Ariel Shot.

Colours: Black & White, High contrast in colours.

Text: No Text

Editing: Very snappy film, switch between shots very quickly. Jump and straight cuts. Mainly Straight cuts

Cast: Mainly male. Gangs and gangster's

Props: Fire, Guns, Knifes, Jewerlly - living the high life.

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